November 26, 2023
Really late in posting this week. It’s been a busy non-hobby week.
I began the week painting three 28mm Star Wars Tusken women by Modest Minis Studio… beautiful figures.
Next I turned my attention to rebasing in detailing a number of Wizards of the Coast Star Wars figures.
I finally turned my attention to some Heroclix Red Skull figures I have been thinking about for years. I rebased them, did some minor modification on one (replaced the gun hand with a flat raised hand in a kind of Nazi salute), and then turned my paint brush to some detailing. I then gave two of them armbands using I-94 decals.
November 19, 2023
I began the week painting a 3D-printed Ronto ridden by three Jawas.
Most of the week was devoted to painting the bulk of my Tusken collection. The majority of those are by Wizards of the Coast. The Tusken chief is a 28mm figure by Modest Minis Studio. My Tusken hounds and their handlers are by 66 Designs. Because they are 32mm I cut about 1/16” off the bottom of the standing handler and a similar amount from his rifle. Their heads are compatible with my 28mm Tuskens so no problem there.

November 12, 2023
This week’s workbench began with rebasing and detailing 35 Wizards of the Coast Super Battle Droids. I followed that by rebasing and painting 7 Battle Droids and 6 Separatists’ bodyguard droids. I forgot to photograph them before putting them in their storage box so I photographed them in their drawer (lazy me).
I next painted and based two figures from the AMT Jabba the Hutt’s Throne Room kit.
At this point rather than continue my Star Wars’ work, I shifted my attention to four 3D-print figures I picked up at a Brookhurst Hobbies’ Bring and Buy several years ago. I just needed a short break from the routine.
The last work I did on the workbench was unexpected. On Saturday I had the opportunity to buy a Corgi diecast 1/72 scale Ju-52 at the swap meet for $20. It needed some simple repairs like reattaching the props, but it was in general good shape and $20 is a great price for that plane.
November 5, 2023
This week was devoted to the last two Wizards of the Coast Clone units for my Star Wars collections.