July 28, 2024
My objective this week was to turn two sets of duplicates into unique pieces. I have two of the Skullforge Kuiil on Blurrg figures and two of the Mattel Mandalorian on speeder with Gorgu figures. I cut the Gorgu figure off one of the Mattel speeders and added it to Kuiil's backpack on one of the Kuiil on Blurrg figures. Now I have four figures, each unique.
Next I painted a Space/Star Wars/Sci Fi building I have had for about a year. It's entitled Towerhouse and the manufacturer is TableTop Terrain.
I closed out the week with more 28mm Skullforge Star Wars figures… Rebel ground crew.
July 21, 2024
This week I spent my workbench time painting more 28mm Star Wars civilians by SkullForge.
July 14, 2024
I began the workbench week painting my repurposed/highly modified 1986 Coleco Starmax Bomber. As I probably mentioned in an earlier posting, it will serve as a command/recon skimmer vehicle in Hondo’s fleet of vehicles.
With the Starmax Bomber painted, I turned my attention to SkullForge 3d-printed Star Wars figures. I completed 14 of the Noti (aka Hermit Crab Nomads) from the Ahsoka series… love those figures. With those done I painted Enoch (the Blue Admiral’s military commander), Greef Karga from Mandalorian, and some random Star Wars civilians.
July 7, 2024
I completed the scratch-building of the rear loading ramp door for my Clone Turbo Tank. All that I used were pieces of Evergreen and Plastruct Plastic. Sellers on eBay are asking between $20 and $75 for one of these ramp doors. I think mine was completed with about $2 worth of plastic. All that remains is painting this huge piece of equipment and that I'm going to put off for a while... it will require a lot of energy.
A few years ago, I found Lee Scoreby's Airship from The Golden Compass at the swap meet for $7. This week I finally decided to do the work that would make it usable with my 28mm Victorian Sci Fi/Steampurk collection. I added a slightly modified Copplestone Miniatures' pilot (lower body added) and built a base that would allow the airship to "fly." Because storage has become an issue, I wanted the airship to be removable from the pole it will sit on. I did that using two Evergreen plastic square shafts... one sitting inside the other. That made the unified piece 12" tall and definitely top-heavy. So, to provide stability, I added three large, heavy metal washers at the base of the shaft and hid them with a covering of scored Standard Milliput. When the Milliput dried I painted the shaft black, dry brushed the scored Milliput with shades of green, and added Woodland Scenics Burnt Grass to the remaining surface of the base.
About a week ago I repurposed a Lanard/Walmart The Corps Elite/First Response vehicle for use as part of Hondo's pirate vehicle fleet for my 28mm Star Wars collection. This week I got around to giving it a paint job.
With that done I turned my attention to repurposing my third and last Juggernaut for use as a part of my 28mm Victorian Sci Fi/Steampunk collection.
At the swap meet a couple weeks ago I found a 1986 Coleco Starmax Bomber. It was missing a lot of parts. I've posted a picture of a complete one with green ovals indicating the parts on mine that were missing. I replaced the missing parts with pieces made from Evergreen plastic and odds and ends I had from other broken toys. My repurposing is almost complete and ready for painting... hopefully this weekend. It will become another part of Hondo's Star Wars pirate fleet of vehicles. This one will serve as a command/recon skimmer.
I ended the workbench week painting more 28mm Star Wars figures.