October 29, 2023
I began the week painting two units of Clones by Wizards of the Coast. With those done I turned my attention to the last figure of my Cool Mini Or Not The World Of Smog figures.
I finished the week modifying and basing two Tusken figures by 66 Designs. These are 32mm figures, but fortunately they are very compatible with 28mm figures except in height. To deal with that I cut about 1/16” off the bottom of the standing figures and a similar amount from the middle of each gun. I then reattached the modified gun and attached the figure to a base and the chain leash restraining the hound. Along with my order of Desert Raiders Hound Squad, 66 Designs sent me a free Tusken. Unfortunately its weapon was broken at both ends. The broken pointed end of the weapon was included with the figure, but the mace end was missing. I glued the pointed end on and removed the mace end from a Wizards of the Coast figure and glued it to the other end of the weapon.

October 16 and October 22, 2023
My workbench efforts have been less focused recently due to the tenting of our house and my recovery from the injury to my ribs. In the last couple weeks, I have been spending more time at the workbench, but unfortunately I let the posting of one of those weeks slip; this posting, therefore, represents the work of both of the last two weeks. It’s all Wizards of the Coast figures, some modified (head swapping and arms rearranged) and all painted. The last few still need base-covering.
October 8, 2023
This is my first week back at the workbench since my rib accident. I’m still hurting a little, but I’m in good enough shape to spend some paint-brush time on some Star Wars figures. Before painting, I did a little part swapping (mostly heads) from figure to figure. I also used some Milliput to put a second net storage bag on one of Rey’s speeders. What I didn’t do this week was put any ground cover on the bases… probably next week.
October 1, 2023
Still nursing bruised ribs from my baseball-dream fall, so no activity yet on the Workbench.