April 30, 2023
I wrapped up painting my CMON Rising Sun figures this week. The mail brought me the last of my CMON Envy abominations and I got them painted, too. That same post brought me two more of the Daily Zombie Spawn Set coffins… I gave those a little modification before painting.
The rest of my workbench week was spent basing and painting Heroclix figures. I did a few head swaps as well.
I ended the week by modifying an extra Heroclix Professor X figure. I cut away his upper torso and replaced it with a zombie torso and head by Kings of War. Then I gave it some new paint.

April 23, 2023
I began the week painting Zombicide survivors. For obvious reasons Stephen Hawking has always impressed me. As a result when I discovered that CMON had a Hawking-based figure (Doctor Falconer) in their Zombicide line of figures, I could not resist adding a figure based on him to my collection.
A few months ago, I bought a group of five Zombicide zombies on eBay for $8. What attracted my attention most was the zombie hotdog man, but all the figures were worth doing and the price was right. I rebased four of them including the hotdog man and painted them pretty much as they came. But I decided to use one of them with the tentacles I took off my spare Rise of Moloch Phileas Fogg when I used the rear side of that figure/piece as a clock on a Pegasus Gothic building I had. I surrounded the legs of that figure with broken Pegasus bricks set in Milliput and had the tentacles rising up around the figure coming out of the broken bricks.
At this point I decided to paint the CMON Rising Sun figures that I have had tucked away for several years. I have no practical use for these figures, but I love the way they look, and I got them at a time when they were much more affordable than they are today. I began with Oni of Souls… a real giant of a figure. Followed that with Ebisu Hotei and Benten.
I next decided to see how well the Fate of Elder Gods’ figure would paint up. My test case was the female investigator figure. I decided to use that figure because I like the general figure but not the positioning of the figure’s left arm. Killing the well-known two birds with one stone, I modified three of those figures giving them new arms taken from Heroclix figures. As it turned out, the figures painted well and I like the arm replacements.
I brought the week to a close by painting two more CMON Rising Sun figures… Fukurokuju and Jurojin.

April 16, 2023
My work began this week continuing my painting of Cool Mini Or Not (CMON) The Others/7 Sins’ figures:
· Lust Controller figures
· Corrupted Police figures
· Corrupted Medical figures
· Female Members of the Hell Club
· Pride Avatar
· Dire Werewolf
· Survivors
· Corrupted Female
About a year ago I built a Pegasus small Gothic building model. It’s one of those models that gives you a lot of pieces and you more or less design your own building. I had a few pieces left over from another Pegasus project, did some additions with Evergreen plastic, and added some Reaper gargoyles. I was happy with the building, but I never felt it was really done. A couple months ago I purchased a “lot” of about 12 CMON figures at a really good price on eBay. Among those figures was the Phileas Fogg figure jumping out of a window in time pursued by tentacles. That window had a large, unique clock on the back. Since I already had the Fogg piece in my collection, I decided to make use of this new one by removing Fogg and the tentacles for use somewhere else and adding the clock to my Pegasus building.
I closed out the week painting Zombie Fatties.

April 9, 2023
This week I completed the last of my CMON avatars and abominations for Gluttony and Greed.
With those done I turned my attention to the last three figures I have from CMON’s The World of Smog/The Rise of Moloch: Elisabeth Sparkle, Shamock The Great, and The Prestigious Cabinet. I hadn’t done these earlier because I was waiting for some candles from Tiny Furniture. The Prestigious Cabinet offered the only complication. That arose from the fact that I had been thinking of it in terms of the concept art rather than the reality of the figure itself. In the concept art, the woman in the box has long, flowing hair. The actual figure seems to be wearing some kind of skull cap over her hair… no long and flowing hair to be seen. I like the long and flowing hair, so I hunted through my Heroclix figures and found the hair I wanted on Madame Xanadu. I cut the hair off that figure, did some slight modification of the skull cap on the CMON figure, and glued the Heroclix hair in place. Much better.
I next turned my brush to painting members of the CMON/The Others’ Hell Club… one set based on cobblestone and one based on sidewalk.

April 2, 2023
Last Saturday I bought a 1/98 scale Revell Authentic Kit PT Boat at the swap meet. Actually I bought a boat and a second boat deck. The double purchase was very important because what the “completed” boat lacked, the separate/second deck had… mainly deck vents. Both were in bad shape so I got the pair for $5. I was able to replace most of the missing parts on the boat with pieces from the separate deck… a few scratch-built pieces were required. I then cut the hull to waterline and gave it a Milliput water surround. It still needs painting, but it should be great for use with my 15mm WWII Pacific figures.
With the PT Boat complete, I returned to CMON The Others figures. I finished the last of Wrath abominations as well as the last Lust abominations and a Lust avatar. I had one more Envy avatar to complete, and I got it done. I finished the week by painting six Greed abominations and a Greed avatar. Three of the Greed abominations and the avatar still need to have their bases covered with turf.