March 26, 2023
I began the week painting the CMON The Others’ Envy Controller.
I had a couple of extra infected/corrupted figures from the CMON The Others’ base game, so I decided to paint two more of the old lady hobo figure. But this time I did some minor modifications that would allow me to use that figure in other ways… I carved off the evidence of infection so she is now just an old homeless lady.
I next decided to do another of the corrupted figures from the base game… another hobo. I repeated this one in order to place it on a sidewalk base rather than cobblestone.
Probably my favorites of the 7 Sins’ figures are the Sloth avatar and abominations. I did six more of the abominations on sidewalk and one more of the avatar on sidewalk. For sidewalk, I used Evergreen plastic half-inch Sidewalk.
Through the week the work continued on 7 Sins’ figures:
· 3 Envy Abominations on turf
· 6 Slot Abominations and 1 Slot Avatar on turf
· 1 Wrath Avatar and 1 Avatar Controller on sidewalk
· 3 Wrath Abominations on turf
· 3 Wrath Abominations on cobblestone
March 19, 2023
I began the week painting my third and final CMON Captain Nemo. I wanted one on a base that I think will be more compatible with the look of the Nautilus. With Nemo done I turned my attention to a couple of CMON Rising Sun figures (Jinmenju the Ghost Tree Spirit and Yuei the Ruined Spirit). I’m not sure how I will use them, but I love both figures. I actually modified Jinmenju by giving it about a half-high addition to its trunk covered with scored Milliput. The original tree looked a little short to me.
With those done, I returned to painting more CMON The Others 7 Sins’ figures… Pride: six abominations and the avatar.
Before moving on to more 7 Sins’ Pride figures, I decided to paint a Zombicide figure I purchased several years ago. To my eye it has a strange steampunk quality to it. It is called Grand Inquisitor Innsmouth. I think it will work well with my CMON The World of Smog figures.
I ended the week painting three CMON Envy abominations, an Envy avatar and two Sloth controllers.

March 12, 2023
Let me begin this week by clearing up a mystery from last week. The coffin figure I painted last week has now been identified as one of the figures from the Daily Zombie Spawn Set. That said I will add that one of the figures I am painting this week is also from that set. They identify those figures as a zombie gardener, bride and a cat lady. I had done some light modification to the figure which I will be using as an infected GhostBuster figure. I also did two of the Controllers from CMON (Pride and Greed). I should note as a reference that the Sins Pride and Sloth come only as part of the base game. One of those I will also be using as an infected GhostBuster figure.
With those done I returned to painting another of the 7 Sins. This group of Abominations and their Avatar are from the sin of Sloth. These may well be my favorites. Here is the color scheme for those. As usual I am using Vallejo Model Color:
· Green Grey (106)
· Green Grey + Green Yellow Mix
· Royal Purple highlighted with Blue Violet+Magenta+ Pale Sand Mix
· Ochre Brown+Beige Mix (teeth)
· Black Grey with London Grey highlight
In addition to the wonderful monster avatars and abominations provided by The Others, I also painted a multi-headed creature I think I picked up a while ago at a Brookhurst Hobbies’ Bring and Buy. I have no idea who manufactured the figure but it goes well with those from CMON.
Before turning my attention to the seventh of the 7 Sins’ Avatars and Abominations (that being Envy), I decided to paint two of the non-sin avatars: Pestilence and Famine.
I ended the week painting the first of the Envy Sins (an Avatar and three Abominations). Envy turned out to be the most difficult of the Sins to paint. I could see the colors but bringing them together effectively involved a lot of trial and error. Here are the colors I used:
· Green Grey
· Green Yellow
· Saddle Brown
· Khaki Grey=+Gold Brown+Beige
· Brown Rose+Red
· Pale Sand
· Outlined the base of spikes/teeth with Black Brown

March 5, 2023
I continued my focus on Cool Mini Or Not’s The Others/7 Sins. I ended last week with the painting of Pride, Greed, and Lust. This week that work continued with Gluttony and Lust.
What I forgot to do last week was provide the color schemes for the different sin groups. So for my future benefit I’m going to do that here. All of the colors are Vallejo Model Color.
Black Base
Green Grey
Green Grey + Green Yellow Mix
Brown Rose
Green-Yellow Highlight
Brown Rose + Flat Earth Highlight
Black Base
Brown Sand + Gold Brown Mix
Gold Brown + Beige Highlight
Green Grey arms
Brown Rose + Red Mix
Oxford Blue + Blue Violet
Black Base
Green Grey
Red Burnt Red
Black Grey with Medium Sea Grey Highlight
Avatar: Burnt Red, Scarlet, Amaranth Red, and Ochre Brown
Black-Brown Base
Brown Sand
Orange Brown
Beige Red
Green Grey
Brown Rose + Red
Black Base
Black Grey with London Grey Highlight
Green Grey
Beige Red + Green Grey Mix
Red + Brown Red Mix
Golden Olive + Beige Red Mix Highlight
Royal Purple and Blue Violet around the mouth
This week’s painting:
· Gluttony Avatar and Abominations
· Lust Avatar and Abominations
· Corrupted Religious Figures
· Corrupted Hobos
· Coffin zombie (I think from CMON’s Zombicide.)