September 29, 2024
Another week painting Star Wars’ figures.
September 22, 2024
Painting continued on Star Wars’ figures. Sorry about the late posting.
September 15, 2024
I'm not much of an airbrush guy so I tend to let time go by between using mine, and that means I have to relearn the feel of painting with one. The other day a neighbor asked me if I would paint something for him with my airbrush so I got it out and confronted the fact that I hadn't used it in a couple years. It was time for some relearning. I had a diecast Texaco Lockheed Express (1929) sitting on my workbench (it had been there for a couple years), so I decided to relearn on it... I love the planes, but I don't like all the Texaco signage. The end result is far from a masterpiece, but I relearned a lot, and now the plane is more than a paperweight.
With the Lockheed Express done, I decided to continue my airbrush skill development by painting two more Texaco diecast airplanes: a 1936 Keystone-Loening Commuter (“The Duck”) and a 1929 Curtis Robin.
I ended the week painting more Star Wars figures: Ewoks and Inquisators.

September 8, 2024
Most of the week was spent painting figures for my Star Wars collection, but I did find time to add a new anchor (found at the swap meet) and chain (rather than the string it came with) to my WIP airship gondola.
September 1, 2024
I began the week modifying and painting the Monster Ball Draculaura Chocolate Fountain, a toy I found at the swap meet for $1.
The rest of the week was spent painting Star Wars-related figures.