December 29, 2019
Last week I completed the command bases for the fifth of my Portuguese infantry regiments. With Christmas this week, my time at the workbench was limited, but I did finish the fifth Portuguese infantry regiment. Happy New Year!

December 22, 2019
This week I completed the fourth of my Portuguese infantry regiments which brings the total of British-led infantry to 20 regiments. As the week came to a close I decided to take a look at my stock of figures and realized that I had enough Portuguese advancing infantry to fill one more Portuguese infantry regiment so I started work on those figures and they will be my focus for next week even though I really have no need for another Portuguese infantry regiment.

December 15, 2019
This week’s workbench time was cut a little short because we will be doing the photo shoot for my Mountain Men on Saturday. In order to do that I will be using Friday for setting up the table. Nonetheless, I was able to get some good work done on my third Portuguese infantry regiment… and a tree. I’ve attached a picture of the full table done for the Mountain Men collection

December 8, 2019
This week’s workbench began with the completion of the first of my Portuguese infantry regiments. With those done I turned my attention to the painting of a Casadores regiment, and happily was able to finish its painting by the close of the week.
Since it has been decided to photograph my Mountain Men collection on December 14, I needed to do a few prep activities for that. To that end I painted an additional four resin trees and added baking soda snow. I added these last four trees because they are very large and with some of my large bottlebrush trees, I am hoping to hide the fact that I do not have a snowy background mural. As the week ended, I did a practice set-up of my resin Dept. 56 snowy creek. This was necessary because I knew that the river would not be a perfect fit and that I would have to insert a modified piece of the Pegasus plastic river in order to bring the creek to the border of the board.

December 1, 2019
I completed the highland regiment and painted a few mounted British officers.With those done I turned my attention to creating a breach in one of the Ian Weekley fortifications and putting together some British troops who would be storming the walls of that fortification.I was able to create that breach because I discovered that Brookhurst Hobbies had one more of the Ian Weekley star fort sections that I could modify for that purpose.I created the rubble associated with that breach using Milliput and broken stone blocks by Pegasus.My first addition of broken stone blocks was a little sparse so once they had set on the breach surface I gave the breach a second covering with a better result.Since Blue Moon does not make a British storming party, I modified their Mexican storming party from their Texas War of Independence line of figures.I did this by cutting off the heads of the Mexican soldiers and replacing them with the heads of British soldiers… needed the correct shako.I also added haversacks and canteens cut from those same British figures.With the highlanders, storming troops, and breached fortress finished, and as the week drew to a close, I turned my attention to painting my first Portuguese infantry regiment.