February 25, 2024
I’m very late again in posting. In part that is because I’ve been busy with other things in life, and in part it is because the rainy weather has prevented spraying with clear finish and taking pictures in quality natural light.
What I did this week is make another destroyed and decaying AT-AT. My previous version will be used in a wooded environment available to Ewoks. This one is done for use in a desert environment available to Jawas. I still need to get the awnings done for this one.
February 18, 2024
This posting is late because the rain we have been experiencing has denied me the natural light I like to use for photography. But the rain has not stopped me from painting. I’ve been at the workbench painting some 3d-printed (not printed by me) Tuskens and Jawas by Modest Mininatures, OmniForge, and Order 66.
February 11, 2024
This workbench week was almost entirely devoted to painting 3d-printed Ewoks… catapult team, warriors, and musicians.
The only non-Ewok of the week was a female 3d-printed female I bought several years ago at a Brookhurst Hobbies’ Bring and Buy. It has been sitting on the table for months (probably more than months); I finally decided to paint the figure though I have no plan for its use.
February 4, 2024
I began the week painting the Lemax plastic Tannenbaum clock tower. That inspired me to go out to the shed and find the wrecked Star Wars’ destroyer spaceship. I got it at the swap meet months ago for $3 and did the modification at that time, but I didn’t get around to painting it until now. It will serve as a background piece probably to attract the attention of a Jawas salvage team.
Most (not all) of my Wizards of the Coast Star Wars figures are done now, so I decided to start painting some of the 3d printed Star Wars figures I’ve been buying… in this case some of the Rebel forces. I painted them this week, but they still need the base covering added.