August 25, 2024
The slow work on my airship gondola continues. I added a panel of gauges next to the helm to give it a more modern/sci-fi look. I also added a ladder to allow access to the bow gun position. I’m considering using a piece cut from a jet engine as a large compass set to the right of the ship’s wheel… not glued yet because I’m not sure yet. I’ve been thinking about adding a modified Activision Skylander crystal at the ship’s stern. I took a move in that direction today by cutting away the base of the crystal’s case to ensure that it would fit in the space where I might use it if I decide to use it. It’s a nice fit, but still not glued in place. Right now, there’s no rush.
I wanted an Eopie for my Star Wars collection, but the ones I could find that were quality 3d-prints were also much bigger than what I wanted (6" tall) and much more money (between $30 and $60) than what I wanted to spend on something I was going to have to find a way to cut down to a reasonable size so I settled on a crude, very angular 3d-printed one because it was cheaper ($12). In order to get it down to a reasonable size (3" from foot to back), I cut 1/2" out of each leg. I also removed the cargo packs on its back because they were large, crude and lacked detail. I glued the legs back together, strengthened them with Milliput, and filled in with Milliput the holes on its back made by removing the packs. I also created a saddle with Milliput and used Milliput to create the reins. The original piece lacked the nose needed for a Eopie profile so I extended the nose using Milliput. I added new baggage using odds and ends I had around and gave it a new paint job. Although the modifications and paint didn't hide all the ills of this piece, at a little distance I think it looks pretty good.
A while ago I scratch built eight of the Noti (aka Hermit Crab Nomads) "mobile homes" using plastic Easter eggs. Recently I decided to put removable Noti figures in the main hatch. I purchased an additional pack of the Skullforge Hermit Crab Nomads and cut off the lower portion of the bodies. I then glued the upper bodies on metal washers that would sit inside the open hatch. Because they are removable I can use the mobile homes with or without the figures in the hatches.
I ended the week painting more Star Wars figures… mainly Inquistionists from Ahsoka.

August 18, 2024
Most of my workbench time this week was spent painting Star Wars figures. I also painted the second of my modified execution piece.
I closed out the week by adding some pieces to the gondola that I began putting together a couple weeks ago. At the time of my last posting, I had redecked the small toy pirate ship with Evergreen plastic v-groove and raised the stern railing with Evergreen plastic to give it the height needed for 28mm figures. Since then, I’ve gathered some gears and a circular object (I have no idea what it originally came from) that I hope when combined will give this more of the steampunk/sci fi look I am after. Still a lot to do, but I’m happy so far.
August 11, 2024
Most of this week was spent painting Star Wars figures. Dexter Jettster was one of the first 3d-printed figures I bought, and I accidently bought him in 32mm, but since Dexter is hardly the normal human configuration, the fact that he is a little large didn’t really bother me. Awhile later I purchased a set of 28mm civilian figures that included the same Dexter but in the smaller size. I decided that having 2 of them in different sizes was not really a problem, but what did bother me was the huge knife they were each carrying so I decided to remove the knives and have more peaceful Dexters.
I finished the week modifying two pieces that had two men each being sacrificed or executed while tied to bundles of posts. I believe I bought them thinking they were 28mm but when they arrived, they were probably 35mm. I decided to modify them by cutting about 3/16” out of their mid-sections and lowering the upper part of the body so as to make them less dramatic in size. I also switched the heads on one of the pieces to make them a bit more different in appearance. I filled in gaps with Milliput and painted one to see if it looked okay when finished. They’re not perfect, but I’m content with the outcome.
August 4, 2024
I've been working on my 28mm Star Wars collection for more than a year now, painting figures by Wizards of the Coast and 3d-printed figures by Skullforge and Modest Minis, but yesterday I decided I wanted to return to what is probably my favorite Sci Fi/Space-related line of figures... Colony 87 by Crooked Dice.
A couple weeks ago I was able to find the Playmobil Novelmore airship for a reasonable price on eBay… about $30 which included shipping. Last weekend I came across the Velocity Toys’ Pirate Ship at the swap meet for $4 and decided to see it I could replace the Playmobil rowboat-style gondola with the Velocity Toy’s hull. I removed the ship’s master which left large holes in the deck. I covered the damaged deck with Evergreen plastic v-groove and added to the quarterdeck as well. I raised the railing to a height more suitable for 28mm figures by adding a base of Evergreen plastic. I now have the basic hull ready for detailing. At the very least I will be adding some gears and some side-hull stacks to give it a more steampunk look. Completing the whole project will take a while, but I’m happy with this as a start, and it was a nice break from my Star Wars work. I’ve included three pictures of a gondola scratch-built by a super talented miniature creator by the name of Mark Fuller (British) because he gave me some insights on how he gives structural strength to the connection between his balloon and its gondola, and I think the picture will help me find it when I need to review that information:
“That gondola isn't supported by the rigging. It's not weight bearing in any shape or form. All the weight is supported from the top of the envelope on the inside. Down through the nearest tube on the envelope. Through the gondola and down the stand. On one continuous length of Brass. The reason it's not obvious is because the angles in the brass rod throw the eye away from a vertical association of all three elements (envelope-gondola-base support). And the visual distraction of the second vent tube which gives context and purpose to the vent tube with the support running through it.”
I closed out the workbench week painting more 3d-printed Star Wars figures (Skullfore/Wargames3d): Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, Mando, and Bo-Katan.