November 24, 2019
This week I completed my fifteenth regiment of Foot and got two thirds of the way through my highland regiment. I admit that my highland regiment is generic. I do not have the interest/patience to do justice to a specific plaid pattern for the kilts on 15mm figures. Nonetheless, I’m pretty happy with the general look of my highland figures. I did two sets of command bases for the highland regiment… one with flags furled and one unfurled. Flank companies (12 figures) remain for the upcoming week. Happy Thanksgiving.

November 17, 2019
Things moved much more quickly at the workbench this week than I expected when last I wrote. I completed my fourteenth British infantry regiment and started my fifteenth. In fact, I completed more than half of my fifteenth British regiment despite the limits on my time. Last week at this time I seriously doubted that I would be close to completing my fourteenth… nice surprise. One of my fifteenth regiment’s flank companies was painted by didn’t get the basing done, and the same is true of six British soldiers (extras) that I decided to single base but also didn’t have time to do the base covering.

November 10, 2019
Work on my twelfth British infantry regiment was completed this week, and to my great surprise I found time to finish my thirteenth as well. I’m making good progress toward reaching my goal of sixteen British infantry regiments (14 standard foot, 1 rifle and 1 highland) though the work is feeling rather routine at this point in the project which for me is the nature of putting together Napoleonic armies or any other large uniformed collection. I expect work to slow this next week because real life will be taking me away from the workbench for all but a couple of days.

November 3, 2019
This week I completed my eleventh British regiment of Foot and began painting my twelfth British regiment of Foot. This new regiment is different from previous regiments in that it is the first to focus on troops who are marching as opposed to advancing with weapons thrusting forward. My plan is to have four British regiments that are marching, so three to go after this one.